Christian books · contribute to my new book christians · Uncategorized · writing a book


Have a testimony you’d like to share? (but never get to?) A Testimony is that God said what he will do (in his word) and now you are a witness he did it! 

 He broke the chains, he healed your marriage, or he set you free from a horrible situation…..(saved you from death) or he fed you, clothed you, healed you or

provided for you. HE RESCUED YOU, He SAVED you He (the list goes on and on). 

I have several about God giving me CHEESE (no kidding) I can tell you literally hundreds of Times God has honored his word toward me. We NEED our Testimonies and it helps the Body of Christ to overcome (They overcame by the blood of the lamb and the Word of their Testimonies!) SO if you have one or two (to share) send it to me at by July 1, 2017.

I Have learned how to publish books myself, and God is now tweaking me on my writing skills as we speak (I’m in College!). You can give your first name only or first and last name or just initials if you want or use a pen name. If you want your

testimony in my book to benefit others, send me the story! Thank you so much! 


God  bless you…..til next time! Laura Grace 

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