1 John abiding · abundant life

Our Purpose, and the purpose of the lunch box

Having Purpose: The Lunchbox.

I bought this lunch box a couple of years ago, thinking my Mom and I could use it on our trips to Great Falls.

I remember telling her about it and she said “oh that’s great!” But she has been unable to travel with me so I almost packed it away or gave it away….I thought I knew the purpose of the lunch box, but I did not.

My husband was working here in town when I bought it, and could come home for lunch. I had no idea he would wind up working 40 miles away and need this insulated lunch box for his new work station. It seems so dumb but my heart rejoiced when he said I’d have to pack his lunches!

I already had the perfect container for it.

These are the kinds of things I notice in my everyday life, how God sees not just the purpose of the lunch box, but my purpose as well. We make plans as he has his own plan for our lives.

“Father, please help us understand our purpose in you. In Jesus’ name amen.

They thought Jesus came to rule and reign, only his closest friends understood what he was up to. And even at that, they did not fully realize until after it was all over, and he had been raised from the dead. God said to Moses:

But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth” Exodus 9:16