
Being Yoked (it’s no joke)

Being Yoked (it’s no Joke) 2 Corn 6. Since I’ve been married for the better part of my life time, I’ve had plenty of time to ponder this passage about being “Equally Yoked” in Corinthians.

In Matthew 11, Jesus also said “Take my yoke upon you.” Did you know in Deut 22 God commanded we don’t yoke an oxen and donkey together? Oxen are bigger and walk and function in a different manner. If they were yoked together, the Donkey would suffer great injury, and the oxen would be extremely frustrated. Donkey represents a different nature. And Oxen and a Donkey will never be able to successfully plow a field together.

An animal that is experienced Is often yoked with an none-experienced animal so that the other can learn, and be trained. However, they both need to be “the same kind” of animal. (2 Oxen or 2 horses, and so on). In being yoked to Jesus, we are being trained, as we have to keep up with him, in order to learn of him.

So what does this mean in marriage? If the woman is more experienced in Serving God, even though they are yoked together, the husband is the one learning to “keep up.” This puts a different perspective on leadership. Wives are admonished to respect their husband, which means to honor their views and feelings and take them into consideration. Men are commanded to love their wives.

With that said, ultimately the order of things is we are first yoked to Jesus, and then yoked to each other in marriage. If the woman is stronger in certain areas, she may wind up “Pulling the man” into the straight path God has ordained for them, or vice-versa.

What I have learned, is ultimately the Lord wants us to follow him. He has a plan for our lives. If both parties (whether in friendship, marriage, business, or any other type of service) are surrendered and willing to be yoked to something bigger than themselves (in this case, the Lord) they can have success and not quibble about who is supposed to be the leader.

In the case of my husband and myself, we believe God is the boss.

Neither one of us has a desire to “rule over the house” or be the big cheese of things. There are times He is stronger than me in an area, and I must keep up with him. Other times, I am stronger in an area and he is forced to stretch and keep up with me! Either way, the Lord is in charge of us both. I hope this helps some with religious arguments as to “who is the boss”. 🥰Some are already operating this way, and just need to hear it’s okay! God’s Got you! 🙂

Your friend, servant, and minister of the Lord, -Laura

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